America`s Gun Culture

Started by Wildweasel74, December 14, 2012, 06:00:57 PM

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When are Americans going to learn to ban guns, how many people are going to be killed until someone stand up to the NRA, another terrible tragedy unfolding in America, Simple solution, the NRA charm offensive solution will be to buy more guns, hows that help defenseless school children you idiots.When will someone take the bull by the horns and seriously tackle gun control even if it would cost them 1 term in the white house


Quote from: Wildweasel74 on December 14, 2012, 06:00:57 PM
When are Americans going to learn to ban guns, how many people are going to be killed until someone stand up to the NRA, another terrible tragedy unfolding in America, Simple solution, the NRA charm offensive solution will be to buy more guns, hows that help defenseless school children you idiots.When will someone take the bull by the horns and seriously tackle gun control even if it would cost them 1 term in the white house

Listen to yourself, who the hell is going to give up a term in the white house????

The NRA are extremely powerful, this country beat the Brits with great aid given by militia's, gun culture is ingrained into their society and total gun control is never, and I repeat never going to happen in the USA.

Why any man needs a sub machine gun is beyond me, I coached a kid a few years back whose da is a multi millionaire seller of guns, he made the mistake of selling a gun to a bastard who ended up kiling people on a University campus, he has been under fire for years and the feds are building  a case against him because all was not well with the sale, the NRA are backing him to the hilt with not a penny from his own pocket being spent on his own defence.

I dont think anyone should own more than a shotgun or a small caliber pistol, but the yanks will always be able to by widowmakers of al shapes and sizes as it is written into their constitution that they have the right to bear arms, good luck taking that away from them.

Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


That right to bear arms was back in the day when the wild west wasn't even discovered yet. How it still around 200yrs later when the west is wild no more, beats me. Its abit like a Orange man round here bleating on about his right to walks the queens highway cause he always done it. Way of life got to change with the times


It will never change. The NRA is too powerful and the issue so controversial that the Dems have given up on it. Sure even when Obama hasn't lifted a finger to do anything about guns, the right wing are frothing at the mouth about what they claim he WILL do, all to stir up the paranoid Neanderthals who form their base. Gun sales are through the roof because of what Obama is "going to do!"


Quote from: J70 on December 14, 2012, 06:20:41 PM
It will never change. The NRA is too powerful and the issue so controversial that the Dems have given up on it. Sure even when Obama hasn't lifted a finger to do anything about guns, the right wing are frothing at the mouth about what they claim he WILL do, all to stir up the paranoid Neanderthals who form their base. Gun sales are through the roof because of what Obama is "going to do!"

You are so right, the only neandertals are republican voters! ::)

Gun sales are not through the roof, that is bullshit.

Obama is toothless when it comes to gun control, this will test his leadership and we will see if he has it in him to attack the NRA, somebody needs to have the stones to do so, I fear none will.

I am all for a family having a small calibre pistol or even a shotgun if they hunt, after that I am opposed to people having guns in any form, they are un-necessary and for people to have semi automatic and automatic weapons is madness and a recipe for disaster.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


The gun business is booming. The question is, why?

BreBa | Getty Images
Smith & Wesson stock Friday was zooming, thanks to a stellar earnings report. The firearms maker also boosted its outlook for the rest of the year. Because of the strong business, its backlog of orders more than doubled from the same quarter last year, the company is concentrating on boosting production and building inventory.

"We are underserving the market at this moment, we all know that, and that's a great opportunity going forward for us," CEO James Debney said in a conference call with analysts.

And another gun maker, Sturm, Ruger & Co., also hit a milestone of sorts in terms of meeting consumer demand. It produced its one-millionth gun of the year...well ahead of last year's pace.

"It took us nearly all of 2011 to build one million firearms, but in 2012 we accomplished it on August 15th," said Ruger President and CEO Mike Fifer in a statement.

What's driving the demand that has gun makers cranking up production?

Speculation has focused on fears of a coming regulatory crackdown on gun ownership. Liberal administrations tend to be anti-gun and so, the thinking goes, an Obama re-election would set the stage for stricter gun purchasing requirements. Hence, people are buying now in anticipation of difficulty later.

Indeed, looking at background checks for gun sales (a metric commonly used to gauge general industry performance) 2009 showed a measureable increase that many attributed to Obama's election.

Is it the same this year? Some anecdotal evidence tends to bear that out.

"I should put Obama's picture on the wall up there," said one New Jersey gun salesman, asking not to be identified. "I'd name him salesman of the month!"

But it's not universal. Some suggest it may be less about regulatory worries and more about the immediate economy. (Related: Are You Better Off?)

"Sure, about a third of it is politics," said a Maryland salesman, who also didn't want to be named. "But the majority are people concerned about safety. They are worried about crime and looking at the economy and no one having jobs. They want to be protected now. So they're buying."

"The biggest new group of buyers now are senior citizens," Larry Hyatt, owner of a North Carolina gun shop, said on CNBC's "Closing Bell." "Ten thousand Baby Boomers a day are turning 65; they can't run, they can't fight, they got to shoot."

The motivation behind the rush could be key to how long the gun makers enjoy the surge in business. Fears of overregulation could dissipate rapidly after the current election season is over, since there was no major change to gun regulations after Obama was elected the first time. Indeed, one analyst downgraded Smith & Wesson and Ruger stock last month, citing fears that their torrid sales pace this year is unsustainable.

Not all analysts agree, however.

"We think there is broader drivers, broader acceptance of the use of guns and more target shooting," said Cai Von Rumohr, an analyst with Cowen & Co., also appearing on CNBC. "So we think it's more than just safety and more than just fear of not being able to buy guns."
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity


Quote from: stew on December 14, 2012, 06:10:58 PM
Quote from: Wildweasel74 on December 14, 2012, 06:00:57 PM
When are Americans going to learn to ban guns, how many people are going to be killed until someone stand up to the NRA, another terrible tragedy unfolding in America, Simple solution, the NRA charm offensive solution will be to buy more guns, hows that help defenseless school children you idiots.When will someone take the bull by the horns and seriously tackle gun control even if it would cost them 1 term in the white house

Listen to yourself, who the hell is going to give up a term in the white house????

The NRA are extremely powerful, this country beat the Brits with great aid given by militia's, gun culture is ingrained into their society and total gun control is never, and I repeat never going to happen in the USA.

Why any man needs a sub machine gun is beyond me, I coached a kid a few years back whose da is a multi millionaire seller of guns, he made the mistake of selling a gun to a b**tard who ended up kiling people on a University campus, he has been under fire for years and the feds are building  a case against him because all was not well with the sale, the NRA are backing him to the hilt with not a penny from his own pocket being spent on his own defence.

I dont think anyone should own more than a shotgun or a small caliber pistol, but the yanks will always be able to by widowmakers of al shapes and sizes as it is written into their constitution that they have the right to bear arms, good luck taking that away from them.

How're you going to hunt with those? Background checks and having guns secured even in your own house would be good starts.


If today's events don't wake them up then nothing will.


Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity


Quote from: tyssam5 on December 14, 2012, 07:23:37 PM
Quote from: stew on December 14, 2012, 06:10:58 PM
Quote from: Wildweasel74 on December 14, 2012, 06:00:57 PM
When are Americans going to learn to ban guns, how many people are going to be killed until someone stand up to the NRA, another terrible tragedy unfolding in America, Simple solution, the NRA charm offensive solution will be to buy more guns, hows that help defenseless school children you idiots.When will someone take the bull by the horns and seriously tackle gun control even if it would cost them 1 term in the white house

Listen to yourself, who the hell is going to give up a term in the white house????

The NRA are extremely powerful, this country beat the Brits with great aid given by militia's, gun culture is ingrained into their society and total gun control is never, and I repeat never going to happen in the USA.

Why any man needs a sub machine gun is beyond me, I coached a kid a few years back whose da is a multi millionaire seller of guns, he made the mistake of selling a gun to a b**tard who ended up kiling people on a University campus, he has been under fire for years and the feds are building  a case against him because all was not well with the sale, the NRA are backing him to the hilt with not a penny from his own pocket being spent on his own defence.

I dont think anyone should own more than a shotgun or a small caliber pistol, but the yanks will always be able to by widowmakers of al shapes and sizes as it is written into their constitution that they have the right to bear arms, good luck taking that away from them.

How're you going to hunt with those? Background checks and having guns secured even in your own house would be good starts.

All right, i forgot to add a hunting rifle.

If someone was breaking into your home you need to have the ability to get at your weapon (if you have one) quickly, I have a gun, albeit a small caliber weapon and I hav e a safety lock on it at all times, it is never loaded however the bullets are close at hand, ov er here you have to assume burgulars are armed, and if they come into our house they are going to get a gun pointed at their heads.

I am not going to take any chances with some fcuker breaking into our place, who knows what they would do once in there, i have three wemen in the house, their safety is paramount.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


would you believe this is actually a statistics problem?

The main issue here is that people are absolutely crap at processing probabilities. in general- and probabilities of things happening to them are processed even worse. And its just coincidence that the Gun lobby preys on your fears (AKA LIES) and your complete and utter lack of comprehension of statistics.

see here for info

so people buy guns, because in their opinion, rather than have an alarm in the house, they are safer with a gun. they have seen movies and tv shows where the home owner hears a noise, stirs, goes over to the locked gun cupboard unlocks it- goes to the separate ammunition storage unlocks it, arms and checks the weapon, and stealthily makes his way downstairs just in time to shoot( knock out the intruder with the butt of his gun depending on the target audience) and hence prevent the intruder from raping the pretty house guest, saving the day, and she marries him and they all live happily ever. They saw it on tv, therefore it must be true.

So the manufacturers of guns and the NRA promote the home safety angle- and self defense
(because -goodness me- someone could pull a gun on you at any time. but if you have your own gun well then after the other guy pulls a knife on you rather than shit yourself, you are the type of guy who in one smooth and assured move could reach down into your conveniently open jacket past your beer belly into the shoulder holster that you wear at all times and pull, remove the safety and aim at the baddie quicker than he can react and save him making off with the 70 bucks, the 100 dollar watch and two maxed out credit cards you have in your wallet. Not only that but you have the stones to live with the consequences of killing some poor bastard who was at the end of his tether over 70 dollars and feel you did the right thing in taking his life and experience no depression or guilt.

Fortunately no one ever breaks into an unoccupied home and steals guns to use them in other crimes. Nor do children find and play with loaded guns left in dumb places by dumb people. Neither do drunk dumbasses pull out their self defence guns in a rage in a domestic dispute/ or disagreements over whether there was a realistic chance of a waking dead style zombie invasion

"You cant take my slaves guns. It's my constitutional right to own as many slaves guns as I can afford. I take care of my slaves guns, I look after my slaves guns, nothing bad has ever happened to my slaves guns, or because of my slaves guns. If people have a problem with my slaves guns it is because they are un-American and un-patriotic. I will fight a civil war for my right to have slaves guns."

                          John Q Dumas 1861 2012
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity


Niall Quinn

On the theme of statistics (certainly not intended in support of the NRA lobby), does the US gun control issue get undue international attention?

2010 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime - homicide rate per year per 100,000 inhabitants

Worldwide - 6.9

US - 4.2
Canada - 1.6
Ireland - 1.2
Honduras - 91.6
Ivory Coast -56.9
Germany - 0.8

I don't mean to make light of today's horrific event in any way.
Back to the howling old owl in the woods, hunting the horny back toad


Quote from: Niall Quinn on December 15, 2012, 01:54:38 AM
On the theme of statistics (certainly not intended in support of the NRA lobby), does the US gun control issue get undue international attention?

2010 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime - homicide rate per year per 100,000 inhabitants

Worldwide - 6.9

US - 4.2
Canada - 1.6
Ireland - 1.2
Honduras - 91.6
Ivory Coast -56.9
Germany - 0.8

I don't mean to make light of today's horrific event in any way.

It's true that gun crime in the USA is at 20 year low. No reason to continue to make assault rifles available over the counter though.


You would not believe the number of people who I had believed rational human beings whose response to this tragedy is to call for "conceal and carry" permits for teachers and principals...

Yep that's right, in their considered opinion, arming the teachers with concealed firearms would have prevented this...

Yep, I want to send my kids to a school with armed teachers, that sounds reasonable. I can't see anything wrong with the logic in that argument.

Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity