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Topics - vav

Am heading to Bangor this weekend for the Snow Patrol concert in Ward Park on Saturday and was just wondering if anyone can recommend any good pubs or clubs in Bangor?

Also, we couldn't get accomodation in Bangor so we're staying in Newtonards and I'm just wondering if that is far away and if so would a bus or a taxi be our best option? Ohs and any good pub in Newtonards if we opt for a quiet Friday night? Cheers :)
General discussion / Tracing a name from a phone number
September 02, 2009, 12:59:30 AM
This is probably a really stupid question but I got a phonecall off a dentist I need to arrange a consult with regarding getting my teeth out but when I asked him his name he said it really fast and I asked him to repeat it and still I didnt understand.. (and yes I was too dozy to ask him to spell it)..

Anyhoo, I got his phone number to ring him back to arrange the consult but I want to check him out first before I let him anywhere near my teeth (I am terrified of dentists and I dont wanna let just anyone yank the buggers out)...

So is there anyway I can trace the business/ person from just the landline number??
General discussion / Meteor v's O2 Mobile Networks
August 12, 2009, 12:26:27 AM
Does anyone have any experience on using either of these 2 networks as a "Pay As You Go" customer? If so would ya recommend that network?

I have been with Vodafone Ready to Go for the last 9 years but have recently received very bad service off them and want to change my network but keep same number. Does anyone know how ya go about this? Is it necessary to 1st get the number or phone unlocked by Vodafone?

Any help or tips appreciated thanks  :)