A United Ireland. Opening up the discussion.

Started by winghalfback, May 27, 2015, 03:16:23 PM

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Micheal Martin's comments were disgusting... the worst insult to families here still traumatised and grieving loved ones who were murdered by the Glennane Gang, at Ballymurphy, Bloody Sunday, British 'shoot-to-kill' policy, children murdered by British soldiers plastic bullets, Aidan McAnespie and other atrocities right throughout the conflict including collusion with loyalist murder gangs into the 1990s... Sean Brown.. Loughinisland and others... Martin is a despicable man.


Jack Lynch address to the nation 13/8/69


It is clear now that the present situation cannot be allowed to continue. It is evident also that the Stormont government is no longer in control of the situation. Indeed, the present situation is the inevitable outcome of the policies pursued for decades by successive Stormont governments. It is clear also that the Irish Government can no longer stand by and see innocent people injured and perhaps worse. It is obvious that the RUC is no longer accepted as an impartial police force. Neither would the employment of British troops be acceptable nor would they be likely to restore peaceful conditions, certainly not in the long term. The Irish government have, therefore, requested the British government to apply immediately to the United Nations for the urgent dispatch of a Peace-Keeping Force to the Six Counties of Northern Ireland and have instructed the Permanent Representative to the United Nations to inform the Secretary General of this request. We have also asked the British Government to see to it that police attacks on the people of Derry should cease immediately.

Very many people have been injured and some of them seriously. We know that many of these do not wish to be treated in Six County hospitals. We have, therefore, directed the Irish Army authorities to have field hospitals established in County Donegal adjacent to Derry and at other points along the Border where they may be necessary.

Recognising, however, that the re-unification of the national territory can provide the only permanent solution for the problem, it is our intention to request the British Government to enter into early negotiations with the Irish Government to review the present constitutional position of the Six Counties of Northern Ireland.

MM is a disgrace of a man, a shame on the history of the party and anyone calling themselves a FF supporter should be embarrassed by him. And anyone voting for him should drop the pretence and join FG or even the DUP. There is no curse strong enough to describe how I feel about that weasel.


What are the Michael Martin comments that are being referred to?


Quote from: dec on December 05, 2024, 01:42:40 PMWhat are the Michael Martin comments that are being referred to?
Stated that 'The Troubles' did not have two sides... it was "a war imposed by the IRA on its own people". Sickens me to even retype that..
Even if you never supported the IRA, that is an outrageous statement/lie.


Quote from: Truthsayer on December 05, 2024, 01:49:25 PM
Quote from: dec on December 05, 2024, 01:42:40 PMWhat are the Michael Martin comments that are being referred to?
Stated that 'The Troubles' did not have two sides... it was "a war imposed by the IRA on its own people". Sickens me to even retype that..
Even if you never supported the IRA, that is an outrageous statement/lie.
He's a horrible bastard, it's the type of revisionist crap you expect from the TUV, DUP & Loyalists

Pub Bore

Yesterday was the anniversary of the McGurk's Bar bombing in North Belfast in 1971.  Micheál could do worse than read up on some of the detail of that, just to see who "imposed" what on whom.


And this afternoon GAA President Jarlath Burns joined the family of Bellaghy club Chairman Sean Brown in court calling for a public enquiry into his murder by loyalists, which had police collusion all over it..
The IRA to blame according to Micheal's analysis...


Quote from: Truthsayer on December 05, 2024, 01:12:32 PMMicheal Martin's comments were disgusting... the worst insult to families here still traumatised and grieving loved ones who were murdered by the Glennane Gang, at Ballymurphy, Bloody Sunday, British 'shoot-to-kill' policy, children murdered by British soldiers plastic bullets, Aidan McAnespie and other atrocities right throughout the conflict including collusion with loyalist murder gangs into the 1990s... Sean Brown.. Loughinisland and others... Martin is a despicable man.

Does MM actually  believe what he  said?

Is he really that ignorant of the  north, or  is he just willing to say anything to  keep SF out?

Either way , the fact that a supposed Irishman  came out with  that statement , is utterly disgusting.


Anyone who voted to make that the leader of the country hang your head in shame.


A ridiculous comment by Martin.
Was it as part of cut and thrust with MLou?
Mind you, he'd have a point if he was referring to the things they did in the 26.

Ye don't get it chaps. People in the 26 don't vote for or against people on what they think of the North.
It's never an issue except maybe for Shinners, especially if they haven't done well in an election.
Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM



Quote from: Rossfan on December 05, 2024, 05:19:09 PMA ridiculous comment by Martin.
Was it as part of cut and thrust with MLou?
Mind you, he'd have a point if he was referring to the things they did in the 26.

Ye don't get it chaps. People in the 26 don't vote for or against people on what they think of the North.
It's never an issue except maybe for Shinners, especially if they haven't done well in an election.

Personally I couldn't care less who people voted for or his or your agenda with Sinn Féin. His comments were disgusting and an insult to the many victims, north and south, of the British Army-UDR-RUC and loyalist murder squads.
You do know the biggest loss of life in an atrocity was by loyalists helped by British forces in the Dublin bombings that the Gardai didn't bother to investigate?


On a human level, Martin has had more than his share of losses to cope with, and I would sympathise with that.
But as a politician,  I always thought his attitude towards the North and Sinn Féin was reprehensible.  Fair enough,  you can disagree with,  or even dislike, rival political parties or movements,  but I always thought his attitude was some combination of vindictive, condescending,  sneering, contemptuous or patronising, and I would love to see him challenged directly by asking him where he stands regarding moves towards a United Ireland,  what Fianna Fails stance has been since the Good Friday agreement, and if he believes they hold to their roots as the Republican party.
Around the time of Boris Johnson and others,  I often wondered does it ever occur to these political figures how they will stand in history,  or how will history books of the future depict them?
In the event of a United Ireland,  how would a history book describe Micheál Martin?


Quote from: Substandard on December 05, 2024, 05:33:05 PMOn a human level, Martin has had more than his share of losses to cope with, and I would sympathise with that.
But as a politician,  I always thought his attitude towards the North and Sinn Féin was reprehensible.  Fair enough,  you can disagree with,  or even dislike, rival political parties or movements,  but I always thought his attitude was some combination of vindictive, condescending,  sneering, contemptuous or patronising, and I would love to see him challenged directly by asking him where he stands regarding moves towards a United Ireland,  what Fianna Fails stance has been since the Good Friday agreement, and if he believes they hold to their roots as the Republican party.
Around the time of Boris Johnson and others,  I often wondered does it ever occur to these political figures how they will stand in history,  or how will history books of the future depict them?
In the event of a United Ireland,  how would a history book describe Micheál Martin?

Probably answered your own question


He could possibly be remembered as the one who paved the way with the Shared Island fund.
Despite all the villificatiin and running down "the Free State(sic)" etc we take all the insults and abuse and continue to give ye money.
Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM