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Messages - Dougal Maguire

Quote from: T Fearon on May 21, 2017, 11:26:55 AM
It's about

Honouring the 50th Anniversary of a momentous achievement and privileged to be in the company of a few who made it happen.Nothing more nothing less.I have a Lions book signed by everyone of them apart from Willie Wallace,so no signatures or photos required.
So you have an autograph book. I swear to God man, you've a mental age of 7
How much did you contribute to the poppy seller?
Do you honestly think that anyone on this board is impressed by this or is thinking anything other than 'what a narcissistic geriatric idiot that guy is' Indeed I ask any Board member who thinks otherwise to say so
Indeed, just lije the Royal British Legion benefits from your poppy purchase you spineless idiot.
Quote from: T Fearon on May 19, 2017, 01:09:47 PM
One week to go until I attend a special lunch in Glasgow with the Lions.Should be a memorable.occasion.
If I was a Lisbon Lion I'd be thinking of ringing in sick that day.
Quote from: Seany on May 16, 2017, 11:30:56 AM
Still the biggest band in the world.

Bono preaches a little, OK a lot.

But perhaps their campaigns just might have had some impact - Bono was the first person to talk about 3rd World countries needing Justice, not Handouts.  He spearheaded the Millennium Initiaitve to cancel 3rd World Debt. 

Bono's fortune (the vast majority of which he has given away secretly) is not going to solve third world poverty which is his major crusade.  To suggest all world problems could be solved by Bono handing his money over, is ridiculous. 

I also remember the song Walk On at 360 Tour when he got people to walk onto the stage with Aung San Suu Kyi masks.  He used this song to highlight her house arrest.  Shortly after, she was freed.  Up until then no one had a clue who she was.

During the ZooTV tour, he did nightly satellite links with Sarajevo.  After the war, they went and did a broadcast concert there.

He came to Belfast to do a concert to promote the peace process here.

Their music is also excellent and has stood the test of time.

An Irish band, biggest in the world, and making a difference.

...but sure wouldn't it be better if he was like Liam Gallagher; drugged out, can't sing, fighting, foul mouthed, acting the p***k everywhere he goes...
Oasis in their heyday were a class act.  At least you saw what you got. I like some, indeed a lot of U2s music, it's Bono's hypocrisy and lecturing that gets me.
I sussed that out months ago. Mods must realise it too. Unsurprising that they haven't taken action as the guy seems to be able to act with impunity on this board. He's ruined thread after thread.
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on May 16, 2017, 12:06:15 AM
Can we re-name this thread "Begrudgers R US?"
What a lad of bollix. The fact is that if Bono simply concentrated on the music, or if he practiced what ge preached as regards poverty etc then everything would be okay. But he doesn't do either of these things so that overshadows everything and that's why I dislike them. I was a huge fan for years, saw them in Newry Town Hall, but I wouldn't go to the back door to see them. The Rolling Stones, on the other hand, just class.

Actually, I lied a bit there. My brother and I wanted to see them in Newry Town Hall but we had no way of getting there.
Quote from: BennyCake on May 14, 2017, 02:15:29 PM
Quote from: StGallsGAA on May 14, 2017, 11:08:06 AM
Quote from: Dougal Maguire on May 13, 2017, 08:25:39 PM
Jaysus fair play to that Bono. He hasn't changed a bit in the 30 years since The Joshua Tree was released.The man hadn't a grey hair in his head.

Neither had the Edge!   ;)

Actually, The Edge has the edge. He's youngest, so less chance of grey hairs.
I think Larry, do you know who I am, Mullan is the youngest
Quote from: naka on May 14, 2017, 11:39:15 AM
Watched the Vancouver concert last night on YouTube
It's like a tribute act in concert
Bono of course spouting the usual shite about poverty etc although I have yet to hear him donate his fortune.
Mind you he could give the poor plenty of advice on tax avoidance
General discussion / Re: The Official THFC thread
May 14, 2017, 11:35:42 AM
Quote from: T Fearon on May 14, 2017, 11:18:14 AM
As we bid a tearful farewell to the Lane today,what are your standout memories.Amid winning the UEFA Cup twice there, and nine goal wins against Bristol and Wigan,my fondest memory is beating Leeds (European Cup Finalists that same season) 4-2 in the very last game of the 74-75 season to avoid relegation.
The only tear I'll be shedding is for the fact that you won't be in the ground when it's being knocked down
General discussion / Re: Eurovision 2017
May 14, 2017, 12:40:29 AM
Quote from: BennyCake on May 13, 2017, 11:46:30 PM
At least it makes a change from the usual karaoke tripe. And sung in their own language, which should be the rule.

Anyway, it wasnt a patch on Dick Byrne's number.
Haven't watched it since Fr Dick Byrne & Fr Cyrill McDuff were shafted.
Jaysus fair play to that Bono. He hasn't changed a bit in the 30 years since The Joshua Tree was released. The man hadn't a grey hair in his head.
Quote from: tonto1888 on May 13, 2017, 09:56:15 AM
Quote from: StGallsGAA on May 13, 2017, 08:18:03 AM
Going the season unbeaten is some feat.  Hopefully Buck gets a pay rise to fend off the EPL teams who come for him.  Wouldn't mind at all if season book prices had to go up to pay for this.

He has already signed a new contract has he not
Yes, he's signed a 4 year contract which will take him through to 10 in a row.
Aw Jesus, don't engage with the simpleton. If he could get anywhere near any of the royals he'd have his fat face in for a photo before you could say 'wanna buy a poppy'